An Apple Hotkey a day


2 min read

Update daily? Well, it's just a slogan.

Bash Hotkeys

  • control + A : move cursor to line start.

  • control + E : move cursor to line end.

  • control + U : clears the line content.

  • control + L : clears the screen content.

  • control + W : cut the word before cursor.

  • option + D : cut the word after cursor.

  • option + F : move the cursor forward one word.

  • option + B : move the cursor backward one word.

Note : In iTerm2, you have to set option work as '+Esc' in 'Preference → profile' for moveing cursor, otherwise it will send the special characters.

Page Up / 上一頁

Fn +

Page Down / 下一頁

Fn +


Fn +


Fn +

Move cursor to end of line / 移動游標至行尾

command + or control + A(bash hotkey)

In most of the cases, the first one should do the job. But in some application which the first key-binding maps to something else, e.g. iTerm2, you have to use the bash hotkeys.

Move cursor to begin of line / 移動游標至行頭

command + or control + E(bash hotkey)

Select content from cursor to begin of line / 選取游標至行頭的內容

command + shift +

Select content from cursor to end of line / 選取游標至行尾的內容

command + shift +

Open file/application / 開啟檔案/程式

command + O or

command +

Hide/Show the dock from screen. / 顯示/隱藏下方 Dock

command + option + D or

control + F3

Cycle through windows in current application. / 在同一應用程式的不同視窗中循環切換

For example, if you open servel windows of Chrome Browser, this hotkey will focus on each window iterately.

舉例來說,假設你在 Chrome 瀏覽器中開了數個視窗,此熱鍵會在輪流將各個視窗設為目標視窗。

command + `

ps: ` Backtick, or grave accent, which is above Tab key.


Turn cureent application to "Full screen mode" / 將目前的應用程式切換為"全螢幕模式" (Above Lion)

command + control + F

Search this word in / 在字典中查詢目前單字 (Above Lion)

Select the word first, then press: command + control + D

ps: Might not work in some applications.

先圈選想查詢的單字,接著按下: command + control + D

ps: 在某些應用程式下無法使用

Input Accented Characters / 輸入帶有重音符號的字母 (Above Lion)

Hold the key for 1 sec.

ps: Might not work in some applications.


ps: 在某些應用程式下無法使用